Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lost Friend....

I have be wanting to do this post for sometime, but just now getting around to it....

I have officially lost one of my oldest and best friendships.  

This person and I met in the 5th grade and were best friends up until last year.  We had so much history that I thought we would always be friends.  Growing up we went on vacations together, snuck out together, talked about boys together, went on double dates, took a college class together and even were in each others weddings! 

We started drifting apart in 2008, but we stayed connected, until everything feel apart shortly after my wedding in May of 2009, which was the last time I saw her. Nothing happened directly with the two of us, but there are/were some third party issues that caused our friendship to end. 

Over the last 6 or so months I have really had a desire to reconnect with this person. I was willing to forget all about the third party issues just to have her as a friend again. I feel like there is a gap in my life that she once filled. I have tried on several occasions to reconnect with this person.  I even tried to see if we could have lunch together as recently as two weeks ago. 

I have decided that I am done trying to reconnect.  I have done all I can do.  I wish her and her family the best and maybe one day we will speak again. 


Elizabeth said...
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Elizabeth said...

The ball is now in that person's court and as hard as it may be, just let go. That person will soon realize what they lost in your friendship and I promise, they will miss it!

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